Interview with Serpent Throne done on 3-30-21

 1.Hails please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hello Maniacs! -My name is J.C. Márquez and I´m the vocalist and lead guitar from Serpent Throne (Chile).

2.When did you first discover black and death metal and who were the first bands you heard? Who are some current bands that you are listening to these days?

Well, like most of us, I discovered metal when I was a kid. I first listened to heavy metal (things like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Riot, Motörhead, Dio, etc.), and progressively I got to know more aggressive bands like Slayer or Venom, which in a short time led me to know the death metal of Morbid Angel and Morgoth; The Black metal of Immortal, Bathory and Darkthrone, and then I met bands like Dissection, Unanimated, Lord Belial, Von, etccc…

3.I believe Serpent Throne was started in 2009 when did you first get the idea to start this band? And is the band happy with how things have progressed with the band over the years?

The idea started in 2008 when we decided to do a side project with Uther (our ex-bassist) to Eternal Hate (a black metal band from the second wave of black metal in my region -96'- in which I participated as a guitarist). The idea was to do something according to our tastes, because Eternal Hate was a "melodic-symphonic" band, with keyboards and all that, and we wanted to play something more aggressive, but without excluding melodic touches from time to time.

I think the result achieved over the years has been very good… we have been able to play a lot, we released a demo (2012), an EP (2014), and an LP just last December, so even though we all work In different ways we have been able to pay off with Serpent Throne, and that is very good.

4.What is the current line up of the band? For the readers who have never heard Serpent Throne's music how would you best describe it? Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

From the newest member to the oldest: J. Hernández (Bass since 2019), E.V. (Guitar since 2016), L. Grave (Drums since 2011), and who speaks, on vocals and lead guitar since 2008.

It is difficult to put a stamp on the style of the band because the original idea was to compose freely, without self-limitations, but without a doubt it has death metal and influences that range from doom, thrash, black and heavy metal.

In terms of influences, I think there is a lot of Dissection, Bathory, Von, and as I have already said, and a lot of heavy, death, doom, etc.

5.Beyond The Chains Of Decadence is the bands debut full length how long did it take the band to write the music for the debut? Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

Well, the truth is that the first "DEBUT" was in 2012, when we released a demo of no less than 34 minutes of pure original Black / death metal. Then we released the 2014 EP and from then on, we started composing the LP. The process was long because we had several line-up changes. The songs are composed mainly by me (except for the lyrics of "The fire of hell devours me", "Hanged by my own hands", "Totem" and part of "A wolf between lambs"; the music of “A vision of abominations and death” and “Blessed by fire”, which were made by Uther). Also, E.V. contributed to the introduction of "Where Evil Prevails".

6.Where does the band usually draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some topics written about on the debut release? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

I am fundamentally inspired by the evil forces that governs men over reasoning; the feeling of hatred, resentment and revenge which has served as a presupposition for the progressive liberation of man on the doctrinal imperatives that have blinded and dominated him for centuries by mean of distorted consensuses and laws, the social manipulation, religious influence in the governments (mainly the fuckin christianity), political indoctrination, (etc).

7.Besides the debut release Beyond The Chains Of Decadence are the bands previous releases still availible for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible if yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Well, as I said before, we have a Demo from 2012 that was limited to only 100 copies, and of those copies there are none left. Then we have the 2014 LP "Infernal desecration" which is a professional work, whose sale and production came out by Australis Records (same record company we work with today), and now we have the LP.

As for the band's merchandise, in addition to the LP (which you can find on the Australis Records page) there are the band's official shirts on the same page. I'll leave you the link so you can check sizes and the available model (

8.I know with the pandemic bands have not been able to play live in almost a year. But has Serpent Throne played very many live shows in years past or do you prefer to work in the studio?

We played twice during February 2020, in an open-air show (Tomé-Metal Fest) and in the "Satan 666", organized in the bar "Piedra Roja". Prior to that, we have played in many cities over the years. I think playing live is great and it's something we will definitely continue to do.

9.What have been some of the bands most memorable shows and who are some bands you have shared the stage with?

We have played mainly with recognized national bands such as Melektaus, Cancerbero, Massakre, Betrayed, Bloody Cross, and many others that I do not remember hahaha (we have played a hundred times, and each member has had their own experiences with other bands, shows, and places).

10.Serpent Throne comes out of Chile's black,death metal scene what are your thoughts on the scene in Chile over the years?

I think there are very committed people in the metal universe of Chile, there are also many underground press and broadcast media, and there is a lot of respect for those who make music. I think all that, added to the freedom that we have (or we used to have before the pandemic hahaha), have created an ideal environment for the proliferation of different types of metal, and that is great.

11.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Chile and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

I really like what Chilean bands like Inquisición, Bewitched, Pentagram, Torturer, Totten Korps, Miserycore, Force of Darkness, Acero Letal, Communion, Executor, Ammit did (...) -And of the "new wave" of Chilean metal, I recommend to Blasfemia, Mortify, Vomit, Ritual Blasphemer, Montuln…

12.Besides working in Serpent Throne do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Grave is currently a drummer on Ritual Blasphemer (Death Metal); J.Henriquez works with Montuln (melodic black metal) and also with Ritual Blasphemer, and personally I am playing and producing with "La Grande Armée", which is an instrumental Rock/Heavy metal project in which I participate as a guitarist. With LGA we released a record in vinyl format by the British label "Riot Season Records" in 2019 for the European market. The other bands have released relatively new material, and they have records available to listen to and buy. As a drummer, I am playing in "Circuncisión" which is a Death / Grind Metal band, and previously, I was a drummer in Pervertor (Black metal).

13.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

To me it just means a denomination. I don't follow the margins or canons of a "movement" or something like that haha ... I prefer to set my own parameters and play what makes me feel happy, but in general terms "Underground" encompasses people, bands and media from diffusion and propaganda associated with powerful-extreme music that develops far from what it is the moral and collectively accepted… and making music within that trend, seems phenomenal to me!

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Well, I thank you very much for considering us on this occasion and I take the opportunity to invite all readers to follow us on our official website, to listen to our new album and to purchase our material through the Australis Records page. Greetings from the grave!!!                                                                                                                                                         FB:                                                                                                                                                  Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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