Interview with Primordial Serpent Posted on 5-26-22


1.Hails Geoff please introduce yourself to the readers?

Sure Thing! I’m Geoff Coran, the guy behind the one-man black metal band Primordial Serpent based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

2.When did you first discover black metal and who were the first bands that caught your attention?Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

Probably when I first really got into metal as a whole which would’ve been in my teens. I was really into all types of metal but it wasn’t until my 20s when I started having a bigger appreciation for black metal due to many of the musicians handling their own production, especially in the underground scene. Some of the bands that caught my attention at the time would’ve been bands like Venom, Immortal, Emperor, Darkthrone, etc. Bands that I’ve been listening to now would be Sargeist, Warmoon Lord, Lamp of Murmuur, Alghol, Nocturnal Departure, and basically whatever some of the labels send me along with my stock lol.

3.When did you first become interested in writing and playing music? What are the instruments that you currently play?

Well I guess I became interested in writing and playing music after doing cover songs from many different bands from many different genres to help hone in my mixing and mastering skills. After doing that for some time, I got bored and started making my own music. Started with making synth music and punk music but never took those early projects anywhere. Then in 2017, I started a drone metal band with my friends Tim and Cavan called Dojo Kobra which is on hiatus. It wasn’t until 2019 or so when I started taking my own music projects more seriously and starting composing dungeon synth tracks under the name Kalameet and several months later writing tracks for Primordial Serpent

4.Are you self taught or did you take some lessons when first starting out? Are their any instruments that you currently do not play but would like to learn one day?

Started taking lessons when I was 12 all the way up to 20 or 21. I’d like to one day learn how to play drums and piano/keyboard. I have a huge liking for ambient electronic music and synthwave music so learning how to play the keyboard with proper guidance would be great. also handle the vocals for the band when did you first become interested in screaming and growling?Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy?

I became interested in learning how to do them after attempting them and hurting my throat hahahah. But basically after that point, I spent many months training how to do growl and shriek vocals. As for doing anything for keeping my throat and voice healthy? Basically do NOT use your throat or rely on it 100%. It should all stem from the diaphragm. Using your throat will damage your vocal chords

6.Who would you say are some of your musicial influences over the years that has inspired you?Who are some of your favorite vocalists?

Oh, man hahaha. Too many. I’ve been inspired by bands like Blind Guardian, early Slayer, Iced Earth, Death, Mercyful Fate, and again the aforementioned black metal bands. Just too many hahaha. My inspiration comes from all over the place. As for my favorite vocalists, Abbath would be one, Fenriz is another, but besides black metal, Hansi Kursch from Blind Guardian, and Rob Halford from Judas Priest. There’s probably more but I don’t really pick favorites.

7.Have you ever thought of adding more musicians to make a full line-up or do you prefer working alone?

I prefer working alone, actually. Maybe one day I’ll band some musicians together to learn set lists for potential gigs but that’s a slim chance that will happen. I like this to be a one-man project. It just works best for me.

8.If you had the opportunity to work with any musicians who would you like to work with?

Honestly, I have no idea. I’d like to work with musicians that would take Primordial Serpent as serious as me. I don’t want to work with people that would practice for a half hour and spend the next few hours just goofing around and not getting anything done.

9.Tales From The Northern Vastlands is the newest full length which will be released through Blasphemous Creations Of Hell and Plague Demon Rec. When did you first come in contact with these labels?

They actually contacted me. BCH followed me on Instagram and I sent them tracks for my ep Father of the Abyss. They really liked it and wanted to put it out. I’ve worked with several other labels during that time but I always come back to them. They’re a good label and they do tons of promotion for their bands which is awesome. Not saying other labels don’t support their bands but they always have seemed to have my back with whatever I release

10.How long did it take you to write the music for the newest release?How long does it usually take to complete one song?

It took me roughly about 6 to 8 weeks. I’d say on average it usually takes me roughly a week to a week and a half to write a song.

11.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the newest release?

Last year in Canada we had our own share of church burnings. People throughout the world were drawing comparisons to the church arsons in Norway which to me weren’t the same thing. The motivation behind the church burnings in Norway were unclear. Some say it was to do with religious oppression while others said it was to stir controversy within the black metal scene. The church burnings in Canada was in response to the “slap to the face” apology our government and the catholic church  gave after discovering thousands of unmarked graves. After that got word outside of Canada, I wanted to provide an album that gave a proper in depth look as to how religious oppression nearly destroyed various indigenous cultures throughout Canada. I also wanted to provide a bit of background on my province’s history, on the Metis peoples (think “may tea”) and the oppression they endured from the government.

12.Besides the upcoming Tales From The Northern Vastlands release are the bands past releases still availible?Besides physical releases is their any other merchandise currently availible to purchase? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Basically to anyone who is interested in supporting me, they can purchase my music and physical merch through my bandcamp site at they can also follow me on Instagram and facebook for further updates.

13.What does Black Metal mean to you?

Black Metal for me is just a good outlet for releasing all my anger and rage while also giving me a sense of escapism from the world. Plus it allows me to connect with the listener. So I guess it means having a strong sense of escapism and connection.

14.Besides working in Primordial Serpent do you currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Yes. I have a dungeon synth project called Kalameet. I have tapes to be released by Ancient Meadow Records. My bandcamp for that is and I also have my drone metal project Dojo Kobra. We have tapes on our bandcamp for purchase as well. Our site for that is

15.Thank you Geoff for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final words for the readers?

Just thanks to everyone, to all the promo channels, and to all the labels for their support. Without you all, I would’ve not gotten this far with my music. Cheers                                                                             Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plague Demon Records                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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