Interview with Callous Posted on 6-1-22


1.Hails GraveLurker please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hails, I am Gravelurker the vocalist and guitarist of Callous, a three piece black metal band from Vermont/Upstate New York.

2.When did you first discover Black Metal and what is it about this musicial style that drew you in?

I first discovered black metal sometime in high school. I was in my early stages of becoming a serious music listener. I would sit on the computer and scour forums for recommendations and free file downloads of samplers. It was during this time I first heard bands such as Mayhem, Emperor and Bathory. From there I was hooked, while I loved bands like Deicide or Morbid Angel for their blasphemous intensity there was more to the spirit of black metal that I appreciated. It didn’t feel like just music but a state of being.

3.Who were the first bands that you heard?Who are some current bands that have caught your attention?

Many of the first bands I heard were the legacy acts; Mayhem, Bathory, Immortal and Burzum. But I think it was Satanic Warmaster who truly hooked me in at my younger stage. The balance of cold atmosphere, melancholic melodies and that Finnish triumphant up beat really spoke to me. I find myself looking for similar blends in a lot of what I listen to today.

There’s so many great projects and bands out there it’s hard to keep track, I try to balance my listening by looking for older materials as well as new. Lately I’ve been really into Warmoon Lord, Mopok and Maniac Butcher.

4. GraveLurker i believe you started Callous as a solo project in 2014 what gave you the inspiration to start this project? How did you choose Callous as the name of the band?

I wanted to do a black metal band but was having a hard time find anyone to play with at the time so I decided to start performing by myself with a drum track. I would just record, put on soundcloud and see if anyone would book me which lead to some shows early on.

I’d liked the word Callous for quite a while. Someone had once referred to my viewpoints in conversation as Calloused and the word kind of stuck with me. It has a head strong meaning to me. Much like black metal, it cares not for the opinion of others and speaks its truth. Formed from pain to withstand further; it’s strength from suffering.

5.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?For the readers who have never heard Callous how would you best describe the bands musicial style?

The Callous sound has definitely changed a bit over the years, in particular with the addition of members. The early stuff was very chaotic, high bpm with bar chords and shrill vocals. Then there was some shift into incorporating atmospheric sound and trying to find the right balance. Early on I was very experimental when it came to the writing because I was still looking for the sound of Callous.

The biggest influences for the writing have been those of Horna, Satanic Warmaster and early era Enslaved. Callous has found its footing moreso now with its members and full length release where we’ve found that balance of raw energy and cold atmosphere that I think those bands in particular really demonstrate.

6.When did you first get the idea to add more members to make a full line-up? What is the current line up of the band?

I was approached after a live show I did as a solo project by Lord Gallows whose been a staple in the local scene for some time with his band Mythology. He expressed interest in doing drums and mentioned a mutual friend of ours, Raithus from Mythology and Sunder, who would be interested in doing bass. We set up a few sessions and the lineup has remained that way ever since.

7.The Triumph Of Blasphemy is the debut full length which was released through Born For Burning Prod. when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

Born For Burning started up around here so I knew of him and the local acts he put out. I’d played with a few of them so when he heard about Callous doing a full length he gave us the offer and it went from there. The guy truly does a lot for the underground and gets bands from all over now so its a great honor for Callous to be amongst the Born For Burning lineup.

8.How long did it take to write the music for the debut release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

The album took about a year to get put together. It was during COVID so we had to make the most of minimal in person sessions. I would go over to work on riffs and drums with Lord Gallows to get songs ironed out and then we would record them separately to send to Raithus. We’re all a bit spread out so it’s not the easiest for us get together. Basically a lot of file transferring happened between us to get everything recorded. Normally we prefer to write in the room but being three years after the demo release we really wanted to get something out and had to make due with what we could.

9.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics for the music? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

Music always come first for my process. I won’t know the words until the riffs are formed, vocals are another instrument so it has to fit the music. I’ve always found it too limiting to try and write around lyrics first.

The lyrics primarily revolve around antagonising those of faith, declaring God is dead and will remain dead. And that it should be celebrated. That the flags of blasphemy will continue to be raised and fly in victory over the sealed tomb of christ. What those of faith call heresy, I call liberation. This is where I truly try to center the lyrics, hence the music and its titles being that of “Triumph”.

10.Besides the The Triumph Of Blasphemy are the previous releases still availible for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band currently have any other merchandise availible for the readers to purchase?If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Previous releases are currently unavailable in physical formats though we are considering doing a few releases in the future. The other merch we have available is tee shirts which you can find us on Facebook and shoot us a message to order.

11.What does Black Metal mean to you?

Black metal means individualism. Both musically and spiritually, I think that’s what makes black metal such an incredible genre. As I stated earlier, blasphemy is a liberation. Black metal really takes that on. The themes of death, anti-religion, misanthropy, nihilism etc, all match in unique blends to the music. Black metal has always been a versatile form which I think is it’s greatest strength.

12.GraveLurker you handle the vocals for the band when did you first start screaming and growling? Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy?

I first started screaming in my room when I was a kid getting into my very first metal music. I would drive my family nuts trying to hit Tom Araya’s infamous Angel of Death scream while making the worst attempt at playing it on guitar haha. I was that kid who would constantly get called out at school for being spotted thrashing and yelling with my headphones on along some side walk. Musically, it really wasn’t until Callous that I started to actually work on my vocals.

I don’t really have any good tips for keeping your throat and voice healthy. I can only say that it takes a lot of repetition I think to figure out where exactly your voice is, whether its more gut felt or throaty.

13.Who are some of your favorite vocalists?

Werewolf (Satanic Warmaster) Spellgoth (Horna) and Famine (Peste Noire)

14.You also handle the guitar duties for the band when did you become interested in playing the guitars?Are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

AC/DC “Hells Bells” at the age of ten in the back of my dads car. I heard it on the radio and immediately wanted to learn guitar. That was the seed of everything really. At 14 I finally got a guitar , played through my teens and took lessons. I learned a lot about rock n roll and the basics bu I finally hit a point where I wanted to focus on metal so I became more of a self taught guitarist later on.

15.Who are your biggest influences and favorite guitarists?Do you currently play any other instruments at this time?

Favorite is a tough question, it’s not black metal but I think I’d have to say the Hoffman brothers. I don’t think a lot of music would exist without those guys and the early days of Deicide. There’s not one bad riff in those first few albums.

I’m most influenced by a lot of the Finnish and French guitarists for my own stuff. Wherever there’s a march beat with a gripping riff, that’s where I wanna go. I also play bass for a black-death band called Shitangel where I get to express my more Sarcofago war metal passions. I’m also doing guitars and vocals for a dystopian death metal band called Anti Life Hate Cult.

16.Besides working in Callous do any of the members currenlt work with any other bands or solo projects?

Lord Gallows plays in guitar/vocals in his primary band Mythology, also plays bass in Lightcrusher and does guitar for Morbid Romance. Him and Raithus also have a band called Sunder. All of which are excellent black metal acts that are worth the attention.

17.Thank you GraveLurker for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Please fee free to find us on FB and share our stuff if you like it. We have a new split in the works with a brethren of black metal Sarnes, so new releases and shows are going to be coming up soon. Eternal hails and thank you for the support.                                                                                                              Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Label  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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