Devilpriest Interview Conducted by Jay 5-12-24


This is Jay reporting from Bogota, Colombia

Today I have the honour of speaking with the mighty Devilpriest from Poland…

1- Tell us about Devilpriest, when/where/why was the band formed?

The band was formed somewhere around 2015 with the intention to exalt Death/Black Metal of mid-nineties.

2- Give our readers a quick rundown of your discography and let them know where they can get their hands on physical copies…

We have released two full-length albums so far. “Devil Inspired Chants” in 2017 (available through Pagan Records) and “In Repugnant Adoration” in 2022 (available through Odium Records). The most recent release is a split with another Polish band Hell-Born (available through Masters of Kaos Productions) where we included 4 songs recorded live.

3- What is the inspiration behind your lyrics?

Left hand path, occultism, satanism, self-improvement, sexual witchcraft and sorcery of the XIX century.

4- Run us through the recording process. Who writes the music and how and where do you record?

Tom Hermies and Necro Docre are the main composers since Durtal Tot left the band. Usually, riffs and drum arrangements are brought to the rehearsal cave and developed there. When all the songs are ready, we look for a suitable place to record. The priority is to obtain the sound we are interested in, and with this in mind we choose where a particular instrument will be recorded.

5- Are you recording new material at the moment? Tell us about it and what to expect…

The third album is almost composed. Currently, the final arrangements are being finalized and we are preparing pre-production for our own needs. We hope that the album will be released in 2024.

6- You are infamously fantastic as a live band.. what propels your shows? Do you have any upcoming gigs for this year where our readers can catch your truly diabolical performances?

Thanks. We always strive to provide our fans with the highest quality music. Starting from the compositions themselves, through studio recordings and subsequent live reproduction of the songs. When we go on stage, the only things that matter to us are the sounds and the devil's aura. We never treat our performances routinely, every time it is a mystical experience. Maybe this is the key to successful performances. We are glad that we managed to release material with our songs recorded live (the split with Hell-Born mentioned above). When I listen to these songs, I have the impression that they have more power than their studio versions. Follow our social media to find out about upcoming concerts. We are also counting on an invitation from South America.

7- What inspired you to become a Black Metal musician? What bands did you listen to growing up?

We combine the brutality of DM with the mystical and devilish atmosphere of BM. For us, this is the quintessence of metal. My first contact with extreme music was the first half of the 90s, when I discovered bands such as Deicide, Sarcofago, Cannibal Corpse, Immolation and Vader. But it was the second half of the 90s that had the greatest impact on me. It was then that I heard Beherit, Bestial Warlust, Krisiun, Angel Corpse, Sinister, the mighty Damnation from Poland and many other great bands. I would also like to mention the Polish band KAT. From the very beginning I was fascinated by the lyrics written by their singer.

8- How do you see the evolution of Black Metal since the late 90s and what is your opinion of the current scene? Where do think evolution will take Black Metal in the next 5-10 years?

I think BM was always less conservative than DM, hence the many experimental BM bands. The early 2000s were rough for metal in general. It was some moment of crisis when the devil's roots were pushed aside in search of I don't know what. As if they hoped for greater popularity of this music. While DM somehow got over it and today we have many bands that have returned to their original assumptions, BM seemed to have dispersed. In my opinion, there are too many bands in the current BM scene that produce sounds that could be classified as Black Metal, but their attitude is contrary to the principles of BM. I don't think these bands should be part of the scene. I hope that the coming years will lead to a new boundary between what is and what is not BM. I would also like labels to tidy themselves up a bit and focus on quality instead of quantity. We really don't need the increment of new bands that we've seen over the last decade. Flushing crappy recordings down the toilet instead of releasing them is to the benefit of the scene.

9- What have been some high and low points in your career so far?

So far, we have managed to overcome all obstacles. I myself have been an active musician for almost 30 years. I've been through a lot of ups and downs and I can deal with it. The most difficult moments usually occur when composing new songs, when different ideas clash. The best moments are, of course, the release of the album.

10- What would you say are your top 5 BM albums of all time?

The list is not permanent and some items may change. Moreover, I do not distinguish between BM and DM. Currently these are: “Once Upon the Cross” (Deicide), “Drawing Down the Moon” (Beherit), “Blood & Valour” (Beherit), “Engram” (Beherit), “Sorcery” (Kataklysm) and “Rebel Souls” (Damnation (Pol.)).

11- Tell us about the Black Metal scene in Poland.. a scene that has produced such a vast amount of quality bands.. can you recommend any new bands for our readers?

Again, I will not distinguish between BM and DM. The new wave band that I like are: Thurthul, Czort, Hell's Coronation, Impure Declaration, Occultum and Funeral Vulva.

12- What adice would you give to any up-and-coming musicians looking to follow in your footsteps?

Quality over quantity, take your time. If you need two years to compose a good album, do not shorten it to two months. It is better to release one milestone release than a dozen mediocre ones.

13- Would you like to add anything for our readers?

Stay strong in your support for Satanic Metal.                                                                                              Devilpriest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Masters Of Kaos  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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