Interview with Diabolical done on1-27-21


1.Hails Guns Sastrowardoyo please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hail PatrickLet me introduce myself, I'm Guns Sastrowardoyo a.k.a Weaponized the orator and founder Diabolical Band from Indonesia.

2.When did you first discover black and metal in general?

Of course metal music begins with heavy metal, thrash metal, in early 90s Sepultura and Metallica performed shows in Indonesia, and after that show the metal music movement in Indonesia became very large and aggressive, and black metal in Indonesia spread the plague around the "mid 90s and Indonesia already has a black metal bands in that period, I known and listened to black metal and it drowned during the spread of black metal in the late 90s.

3.Who were the first bands and artists you listened to and who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

I'm not saying this is the first time, but at the first I heard and knew metal music, Iron Maiden who was responsible for changing my mind and emotions, and some thrash metal bands of course ..

And it was and will be Iron Maiden has had the greatest attention for me till now.

4.I believe you started Diabolical 2005 what gave you the idea to create this band? Are you satisfied with how things have progressed with the band over the years?

Before I created the Diabolical I already had a band, but the band didn't last long and I had to replaced and set up Diabolical as a new war machine, and spread chaos, provoked a signal to the world to prepare for war ...

Personally, I am very satisfied with Diabolical so far, because various crimes have been released

But as a band, I have to say sometime I have been less than satisfied with what we had got.                                                                            

5.Who are some of Diabolical's biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?For the readers who are unfamilar with the bands music how would you best describe it?                                I not saying who the biggest influence for Diabolical, because every time it can change but I hear bands like Sarcofago, Revenge, Blasphemy, Marduk, Impiety, Slayer, Iron Maiden all the time

All the Diabolical music is in bandcamp and it can be heard by anyone, I'm not going to talk bullshit and waste my time just explaining to them about diabolical music ... listen to yourself or fuck off and die !!!

6.Hooligans Regiment Of Terror is the bands debut full-length that was released through Total Death Rec.When did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

Before release CD format, Hooligans Regiment Of Terror album had already been released on a cassette format by Deadly Throat Prods from Indonesia, and distribution just for Indonesia and Asia

In early 2019 I contacted Total Death Records via messenger for the release of the Hooligans Regiment Of Terror on CD format, I sent them some material and not long after that they gave us an answer they in cooperation with Christhunt Productions to ravage parts of Europe and the world for the Hooligans Regiment Of Terror album with cd format.

7.How long did it take the band to write the music for the debut release?How long does it usually take to complete one song?

 When created a song, it can be fast or slow, depending on the details of each song can be 3 months or more, if everything is ready, immediately we go to the recording studio and after that we look for a label to release it.

8,Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some subjects written about on the debut release?Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

All the Diabolical lyrics created by me, and all about total war, hate, blasphemy, chaos, genocide

It was depending on who has the idea first, sometimes the title comes first, I give all the lyrics and the Warplague (Diabolical guitarist) makes a part to match what I want, or sometimes the music goes first, Warplague gives the music part then I created the lyrics and add ideas from other members.

9.does the band have any other releases or merchandise currently available? If yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?

Of course, beside the full album Hooligans Regiment Of Terror we have also issued various splits and eps and several t-shirt and Zipper merch releases ..If you want to find a split that is still available today, you can contact directly at Warmachine prod (split CD with Wargoatcult), Kult Of Belial Records (t-shirt and split tape with Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle), Hitam Kelam Records (EP, Awaking Inferno), Black Magic Press (t-shirt)

10. Has Diabolical played very many live shows over the years or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows over the years?

For this few years Diabolical has only wanted to play a few live shows, beside being busy outside the band, working a lot of time in the studio, we find it more effective to make the latest attacks.

Live performed at Gresik Black Reunion which still satisfies us, which is a gigs in our own city, we also share the stage with good bands and equipment and sound that are set for metal music.

11.I know with the Covid pandemic going on bands are unable to play live but when it is safe for bands to play again are their any plans to do live shows?

 As I already explained, Diabolical only plays some live perform every year so we don't care about pendemics, we will do live if we want, but this pandemic really disturbs what we do in bands, in my country there are curfew, and all member of Diabolical very struggling enough to meet, fuck off covid !! any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects?If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

no!!! this time Diabolical members only play at diabolical, and totally time just at Diabolical.

If one day they have a side project or have another band it doesn't matter, because it's good for them ...

13. Metal underground to me is a real movement, this movement can only be done with militancy and dedication ...

But unfortunately in the last few years, many bands that initially had an underground spirit, now feel and become rockstars, that's parasite scum !!!

14.Diabolical comes out of the Indonesia's black metal scene what are your thoughts of Indonesia's scene over the years?                                                                                                                                     Quiite good and growing rapidly Massive movement and various bands that have released demos, eps, full lengths in recent years ... every year Indonesia has a new black metal band that has a music quality that you deserve to listen to.

15.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Indonesia?Are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Indonesia has a lot of good bands it will be long if I mention it here, but I will mention some bands from Indonesia which until today I always listen to : Ritual Orchestra,Immortal Rites,Sereignos ...

If you're asking about a new band, you should listen and watch out for the Deklaration and Battlethrone movements ..

16.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

This year Diabolical will release a split with Rajam (Indonesian master war metal) entitled "BASTARD KOMMAND" which was autographed by the label kingpin mafia Aggression prods in tape format ...

Hail bastard and khaos !!!!                                                                                                                            Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Exaversum--Too Live And Die With promo{Quetzalcoatl Rec) done on 1-24-21

 This is the new band started by Northen who is also active in some other Mexican bands but this is the first promo from Exaversum.To Live And Die With contains two songs of aggressive and brrutal black metal that is intense and well executed musicianship.The first one is Remember This Loss starts off with a very fast and energetic black metal style but the music does slow to a more calm mid paced range in the middle of the song.The vocals are grim black metal screams and some gruff growls both vocal styles fit the music perfectly.Up next is Mortals Fall which is more raw and faster paced then the first track.The drums are played with blast beats that both intense and furious in delievery.The guitars are done in the same range with some extremly fast guitar passages that are both played with skill and excellent writing abilities.If you are looking for a band that plays both intense yet skilled black metal then do yourself a favor and check out Exaversum today.                                                                                                                                                 Band Contacts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Labeel Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Interview with Hulder done on 1-19-21


1.Hails please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hulder is the moniker that I operate under. 


2.When did you first discover black metal and who were the first bands that caught your attention?Are their any current bands that you have been listening to? 

I discovered Black Metal as a young teenager. The first experience that I had with extreme music was when I purchased a copy of Iron Maiden’s “Killers” at a street market in my hometown at 11 years old. The dark imagery and morbid implication was fascinating to me. A few years later I was introduced to some of the classics of Norwegian and Finnish Black Metal and it became clear that my fascination with extreme music had only just begun.

3.When did you first become interested in writing and playing music?Are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

This has always been a part of me. The prospect of simply listening to music has never been something that I have felt satisfied with. Creating one’s own music or art is as simple as obtaining an instrument and putting in the time to learn. I am self taught.

4.What are some of the instruments that you currently play?Are their any instruments that you would like to learn to play one?

I do not have a count of the “number of instruments that I can currently play”. If something can be manipulated into melody then I am confident that I can play it. All of the instrumentation on the upcoming album was performed by me except for the drums. This is on account of the fact that I am not currently capable of creating the atmosphere that I would like this instrument to have and programming a drum machine is incredibly tedious (ie my first demo).

5.Hulder was started back in 2018 when did you first get the idea to start this project?Are you satisfied with how everything has gone with the band so far?

The idea of Hulder has been something that I had initially thought of years ago. Initially, the prospect of a full band was toyed with but I ended up finding that it is more interesting for me to have full stylistic control of the atmosphere and sound. The “Ascending The Raven Stone” demo tape was recorded in early 2018 after having made the move to the Pacific Northwest. I was not well acquainted with people in the area and thus my time was mainly spent writing music in the isolation of my home. The freedom of creation that this afforded me has become my new norm.

6.I believe Hulder is a one woman band when you started this band did you plan to work alone or would you like to find new musicians to work with?

My plan was to create the initial recordings by myself so as to ensure that the music and visuals were exactly as I would want them to be. The prospect of enlisting others to perform has always been something that I have considered but with the current state of the world, it does not seem to be on the near horizon. Hulder will remain my own as I do not want the creative input of others.

7.What do you feel is the easiest and hardest thing about being the only member of the band?If you had the opportunity to work with any musicans are their any musicians that you would like to work with?

Being the lone member of a band is an ideal situation, as far as I am concerned. There are definitely some musicians that I would like to enlist for some session work down the road or for a collaboration but I am not currently pursuing those avenues.

8. you also handle the vocal duties for the band when did you first start screaming and growling?Do you do anything to keep your throat and voice healthy?

I started doing vocals in bands a number of years ago and I do not adhere to any regular regimen in order to help this process. In my youth, I received some brief operatic training. That training is likely to be of help to me now.

9.Godslatering:Hymns Of A forlon Peasantry is the debut release how long did  it take you to write the music for the debut full-length?How long does it usually take you to complete one song?

With the exception of “Purgations of Bodily Corruptions”, the album was written and recorded between January and July of 2020. Each composition will take on a completely different process and therefore the timeline is ever-changing. Some will begin as compositions on the keys as where others may begin as a simple vocal melody in my head. A number of the songs on the album were brought to a state of near-completion on the same day that the writing process began.

10.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the debut release?

Lyrical content is drawn from many different sources. As I generally find myself reading historical recountings of battles and whatnot, it was inevitable that those themes would find their way into my creation. Additionally, many of the album’s lyrics were written from the perspective of the downtrodden common-people. Mystical themes of evil and self-reliance are also a large portion of my creative force.

Godslastering:Hymns Of A forlon Peasantry does the band have any past releases or merchandise currently available?If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Most things can be purchased from me directly by way of the website and merchandise can be purchased from the companies listed below.
HULDER - holymountainprinting
Iron Bonehead Productions

Hulder recently made a video for the song Upon Frigid Winds. What gave you the idea to create a music video? Are you satisfied with how everything turned out?

Creating a music video is something that is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. This craft seems to have been lost over the last few decades and I think that this is unfortunate. The video for “Upon Frigid Winds” turned out exactly how I had imagined. Thanks to the videography provided by Liana Rakijian, the atmosphere and imagery crafted worked in perfect tandem with the song.

Interview with Upon The Altar done on 1-15-21


1.Hails please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hail! We are Upon The Altar- the emanation of our dark energy and hatred.

2.When did you first discover black and death metal and who were the first bands you discovered?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Back to early 90 it was great time – Dawn of Possession, Fallen Angel of Doom, Blessed Are the Sick and a bit earlier Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy, Altars of Madness… On the other side Norwegian black metal with great De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Those of the Unlight, Into The Nightside Eclipse, Pure Holocaust, etc.

3.Upon The Altar was started in 2020 what gave you the idea to start this band? What is the current line-up of the band?

As Upon The Altar we started last year, but we’re fucking oldish metal maniacs who needed to make some metal. Some pure, evil tribute to the nineties… And it’s done. UTA is: bTo – guitars, Thisworld Out of – Drums, Void – vocals, Bass.

4.Who would you say are Upon The Altar's biggest influences?For the readers unfamilar with the bands music how would you best describe the music?

Influences – I think it’s more than some bands – it’s the feeling of climate of those years. In every aspect. And we did it I think.

5.Absid Ab Ordine Luminis is the bands debut full length being released through Putrid Cult when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

After release promo 2020, due to our old friend Jesusatan from Apocalyptic Rites Zine Morgul asked about cooperation, and we agreed. We know, how putrid is Putrid Cult with it’s all hordes … It’s pleasure to be one of them.

6.How long did it take the band to write the music for the debut reelease and does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything? How long does it usually take to complete one song?

All music, except two songs from promo 2020, was created about four months. It was hard emotional and personal work. Referring to Your next question – songwriting is an individual process and it depends on many factors… 

7.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the debut release?

There's no need to look far for inspiration – everywhere human kills other creatures and destroying all that they created. This is our nature and this is the keynote of Absit Ab Ordine Luminis

8.Besides the upcoming Absid Ab Ordine Luminis release does the band have any other merchandise currently availible for the readers to purchase? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Except our new album, Putrid Cult will distribute our t-shirts, longsleeves and hoodies. Merch will be available soon, so stay tuned!

9.I know with the Covid pandemic going on bands are unable to play live but when it is safe for bands to play again are their any plans to do live shows or do you prefer to work in the studio?

Live performance is very important for us, this is the best way to convey emotions and feel the living power of hatred. Hope COVID will sharpen the appetite for live shows with those who survive this pestilence …

10.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

Underground is the essence of metal. The true ugly pure metal. That’s all.

11.Upon The Altar comes out of Poland's legendary blackend death metal scene what are your thoughts on Poland's scene over the years?

Polish metal scene is in very good condition for years. There are many bands that have left their mark on metal worldwide. It’s nice.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Poland and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Many of them. Just look at Kriegsmachine, Azarath, Mgła, Deus Mortem, Infernal War, Nekkrofukk, Voidhanger, etc. And don’t miss Cultes des Ghoules, Odraza, Deathepoch, Bestial Raids, Doombringer, Temple Desecration etc.

13.Besides working in Upon The Altar do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Kult Mogił and Totenmesse – we have connections with those hordes, due to bTo and Thisworld Out of. TOT now is working on the new material and KM is after release their second full album. Just keep an eye on these…

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Yea, thank You for support. Last word? Stay metal and watch the signs of upcoming Absit Ab Ordine Luminis!                                                                                                                                                         Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Diabolical-- Hooligans Regiment Of Terrors cd{Total Death Rec.} done on 1-14-21

Diabolical are a raw and primitive black metal band coming out of Indonesia,Hooligans Regiment Of Terrors is the bands full length debut featuring eleven songs of violent and aggressive old school black metal terror.The guitars are played with fast paced guitars and some crazy and chaotic guitar patterns.The guitarist does add some thrash elements into the guitar sound and style.The drums are played with an outburst of insanely fast blasting beats that fit the music perfectly.The vocals are raw thrashy screams and some gruff vocals are used in a few of the songs.Diabolical play a very bestial and aggressive old school black metal intensity.If you are a fan of raw,dirty old school blackend metal then be sure to pick up a copy of Hooligans Regiments Of Terrors today.                                                                                                                                                  Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Upon The Altar--Absid Ab Ordine Luminis cd{Putrid Cult} posted on 1-10-21

 Upon The Altar are a two man band coming out of Poland's mighty black,death metal scene.Absid Ab Ordine Luminis is the bands debut release featuring seven songs of brutal and savage blackend death metal insanity.The guitars are played with aggression and skillful writing abilitly mainly played with extreme fast guitars.The guitarist does slow to a more mid paced throughout a few songs before going for the more hateful and aggressive passages.The vocals are a mix demonic death metal growls and some raspy black metal screams and shrieks.The drumming is done with chaotic blast beats that will pummel the listener.If you are looking for a band that doesn't follow any trends or tries to incorporate multiple genres together.Then do yourself a favor and be sure to pick up a copy of Upon The Alter's debut when it is released.                                                                                                                                                                                         Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Interview with Warkvlt done on 1-5-21


1.Hails please introduce yourselves to the readers?

Hail there !!!, I am D guitarist of Warkvlt, first of all thank you for this kind interview, its an honor to us.

2.When did you first discover black metal music and who were the first bands you listened to?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Back at the 90’s when I was a boy and listen to Dissection – Storm of the Light’s Bane and Emperor – In the nightside Eclipse, and after that I am so much dig into Black Metal Music. Nowadays I listen much into Nordjevel, Mork, Vredehammer and Deus Mortem.

3.Warkvlt was started in 2013 are you all happy with how everything has gone with band over the years?

Personally I enjoy the process and the journey how Warkvlt pass through this years. We experienced almost split up and I was also quitted from the band and rejoin after 1 and half year Yes it’s all the matter of the process after all,

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years and releases?For the readers unfamilar with Warkvlt sound how would you best describe the bands music?

The biggest influences of Warkvlt so far is the great Marduk, and almost all members in Warkvlt is fans of this band. Mayhem and Immortal came after, we do listen much of 2nd wave of Black metal because we grew by listened on it.

Warkvlt’s sound from the beginning while we launch our self-titled is much inspired by Bestial Warlust and Marduk , but we have failed to built a good sound for the 2nd album – Merdeka.

While in Horde and Deathymn , we produced a better sound . We took samples from Impiety, Deiphago, also Nordjevel because our new drummer is a also a sound engineer, and hopefully can be more accepted.

5.Deathhymn is the bands newest release that was released in late 2020 through Sadist Rec.when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

Sadist Records owner , Mr. Nyoman Sastrawan is my old time friend and we share many visions about Indonesian Extreme metal in media social. When all hope was faded while we cannot release Horde last year, I personally offer Mr Sastrawan to release it and he accept it and we continue to cooperate with the full album Deathymn. Personally I do satisfied how he manage the band promoting it and also distributing it

6.How long did it take the band to write the music for the new release and does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?How long does it usually take to complete one song?                                                                                                                                   For the Deathymn, the whole process of songwriting is compelled alongside the recording and it took around 2 and half years. Deathymn were written and composed after we finish recording for Horde and all of us made a lot of composition during 2018 and 2019, because we have no domination for on member writing everything haha. We have no standard for finishing one song, one song can be finish in one or two week while we crazy and a lot of ides coming up. But if something wrong it can be stuck, and it can be postponed while we looking for another idea for composition, etc

7.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some subjects written about on the newest release?Which usually comes first the lyrics or the music?

Lyrics is D (vocalist) department and in Deathymn we came up with old stock of lyrics written by me and my old friend – Riki Paramita, the owner of, a blog of heavy metal fanpage. Most of the deathymn song came up with the music first and D (vocalist) tried to rearrange and restructured the lyrics that can be fit into the music as well.

8.Besides the Deathhymn release are the bands previous releases still availible for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible if yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Beside Deathymn , the mini album Horde can be purchased through sadist records. Merchandise is currently handle also by Sadist records, there are tshirt also available. Sadist records -

9.Has Warkvlt had the opportunity to play very many live shows over the years or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows over the years?Who are some bands you have had the opportunity to share the stage with?

From the very beginning Warkvlt is a live band actually, we have experienced touring in Indonesia at 2014 -2015. But after we had bad experienced with the Merdeka ( 2nd album) recording process, we reconsider to work on studio much rather on stage .

The most memorable shows is Hammersonic Metalfest , the biggest metalfest in Indonesia on 2015. We did share the same stage with Mayhem, Vader, Terrorizer, etc.

10.Warkvlt comes out of Indonesia's black metal scene what is the black metal scene like in Indonesia over the years?

Indonesian blackmetal scene grow well through this years, a lot of good band and regeneration. I came from the 90’s generation and actually many young man come out with the fresh idea, installment and bring good vibes to Indonesian Blackmetal scene.

11.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out from Indonesia and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Currently Many good band like Vallendusk, Pure Wrath, Choria,Diabolical, Immortal Rites, Sereignos Natjaard, Hordavintra, Zihhad ,Sethos (D -Vox other project) that came out from Indonesia and they’re worth to listen and worth to check it out

12.What does Black Metal mean to you all?

Blackmetal for us is the expression of humanity dark side, it compelled the expression of the dark, fiery things of humanity and it’s reflect in musical way.

13.Besides working in Warkvlt do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

D (vocalist) is also work on many Death metal bands, he is the main vocalist of Bloodgush and Dismemberment Torture. He also had another blackmetal band – Sethos that already released the EP with title ‘Infernal Legion’. He also active at Throat Singing Collaboration with Experimental art group called Ensemble Tikoro, and he toured with it to Australia and others.

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Many thanks Patrick for the interview and many good words spread from your webzine about Indonesian Metal scene, especially Black metal scene.

Indonesia had a lot of good black metal and worth to check it out as I mentioned previously ,and keep support Indonesian black metal scene, stay black as always !!!                                                                    Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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