1.Hails Namtar please introduce yourself to the readers?
Hail brother's, sisters and tyrant's of the underground Metal scene!!! I'm NAMTAR AXARCUTH lead guitarist and vocalist/song writer for NAMTARU. Also formerly from the mighty USBM bands Perverseraph and Blood Storm and also owner operator of PLAGUE DEMON RECORDS
2.When did you first discover black and metal in general?And what is it about this genre that draws you in and keeps you interested?
I would have to say Venom, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Kreator , Sodom, Destruction, Slayer,Possessed, voivod,King Diamond, Mercyful Fate ,Motorhead, Razor , Exodus - Bonded by blood , Death, Pentagram( Chile), Autopsy Blasphemy,Necrovore, the misfit's the crumbsuckers, The first few D.R.I. albums bands like this is where it all started I have older brothers that have had me listening to metal and punk since as far back as i can remember, in later years Mayhem, Emperor, Impaled Nazarene, Enslaved, Darkthrone, STORM, Isengard, Satyricon, Marduk, Absu, Burzum ( I know the B word LMAO what a bunch of pussies this world has become not that i support whatever they try to call it , Nazism, hate ,but freedom to choose what you want to hear, see or believe, is what i believe in , freedom to be yourself and make your own choices) but bands such as this are what made me have a demonic passion for this music ,.I was born a metal head and I'll die one. I was always drawn more to the darker side of things, I have studied , practiced and mastered the black arts and the occult for a long time now. My mother was a crazy christian who sprinkled me with holy water in my sleep, I would wake up cursing her out and she would say "see that's the devil coming out of you " and i would say "no you psychopath you're sprinkling me with water im my sleep". (funny but not so funny when you lived this way) which is probably what pushed me more towards the occult! I remember thinking as a child "christians are fucking crazy ", soley based on my mother and all other bible thumpers I encountered as a child who always had something to hide and so they hide behind that big binder of toilet paper ,call it as you see it i don't pull punches I'm pretty straight forward and tell it how i see it, so there begins that chapter in my life the age of reason and a heart and mind so full of hate , but singing playing and listening to Black metal seemed to take all of that hatred away.So as a child i loved all of the great bands i mentioned up top here which put the seeds in place and later sprouted into a black spiraling abyss of sonic horror, putred chaos , and pure metal tyranny. Which has taken me in many roads and directions, up and down through out my whole life. This music, Black Metal ,is not just music! Its a way of life! Its my fucking life, but I'll share it with all of you! Hails
3.Who were the first artists and bands that you listened to and who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?
first favorite bands were honestly celtic frost ,kreator, venom, Bathory ,slayer , death, the early morbid angel albums Mike Browning's vocals rule! possesed and honestly most of what iI listen to from today arey labels bands. Alvarez, Blaspherion, Deceiverion,crooked horns, Old Pagan, Moribudus Christus, Booze Serpent, BLOOD TEMPTATION Kvlt of odium, Isataii , Legio Inferi, neckrium Goatthornsskullbonecrusher, Temple of Gorgon, serpent ov old, Ritual Possession,svartmass,selvmord,I Misanthrope, primordial serpent, Frozen fortress, Himetuks Himi N, Aeigort ,Eirik, Morkhgrat The amazing Lawrence Wallace,i dont wanna leave anyone out but i like everything i have released these bands are the best of the best in today's underground scene.
4. Namtar i believe you started your journey into the black metal scene with your band Namtaru.When did you first get the idea to start this band?Are you satisfied with how things have progressed over the years?
I started this band in 1995 all the songs on the first ep were all my first songs and that also includes Ancient Serpent which was cut from the EP due to a drum fuck up and in 2018 rerecored it for the Ancient Serpent 7 inch and 7 inch cd version with bonus track . So i did BLOOD STORM and Perverseraph for many years in the beginning of us all playing together in multiple bands NAMTARU was all my writings, Perverseraph was all shaitan's writings and Blood Storm all Mezzadurus, at one point we decided to condense Namtaru and Perverseraph into 1 band and I being the bigger man said we could put Namtaru on the back burner for now . over 80 songs i now have to record due to a certain person never wanting to record all of these songs and get them out in Perverseraph. So I will be bringing you many songs from past present and future very soon in a hell storm of fury. coming at you with a unforseen rising of the corpse god, my only regret is not recording all of those songs ,I wrote a whole Perverseraph album minus 1 riff per song, we went into the studio and recorded all guitar, lead guitar and drums and someone broke up Perverseraph because they didn't like that they didn't write enough on that album. i will say nothing more then Johnny egos are unnecessary. get your songs out there for Necrotion. And yes we still play together now John ( shaitan) as he was on Ancient Serpent and the NAMTARU/Legio Inferi ( Colombia)split but i did do the song for the USBM TRIBUTE TO DARKTHRONE myself that was all me and my drummer.

5.I believe you are the sole member of the band when you formed Namtaru did you plan to work alone or would you like to add more members for a full-line-up?
I always had a full line up i need a new drummer at the moment as mine is on a leave because he adopted 2 kids that my neice lost and i have a bassist and John ( shaitan) litchko in the studio so yes i want a full line up drummer's hit me up i need someone amazing to fill the shoes of teloc coraxo and Ben Daimon Fahy.
6.How do you feel the bands music has evolved and changed over the years?Who would you say are the bands biggest influences?
voivod, Darkthrone, venom,celtic frost, Bathory ,old - kreator,, destruction, Early morbid angel, , destroyer 666, bestial warlust I could go on all day.
7.I believe your newest release is a split release with the Colombian black metal band Legio Inferi.How long did it take to write the music for the new release?
honestly the split was supposed to be them and Demon Hammer from TX but they couldn't record because of covid so i found some songs on my old 16 track polished them up and released the songs you hear now on that split i would have honestly never have chosen those songs if it weren't as rushed and unexpected as it was. but in the end it was a sick release!
8.How long does it usually take you to complete one song?
i write a whole song in a few hours usually ,whats time consuming is teaching everyone else i would love to find a drummer to take Ben Daimon Fahy's place to record song after song i have my own studio and all instruments to record so hopefully someone gets back to me very soon or im gonna have to program drums which i dont wanna do.
9.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects you write about?
the occult the necronomicon mythos , the reptilian's , demons and entities I have encountered during my years of studying and practicing black magic , the writings of Kenneth Grant ,Chaos magick such as liber null and psychonaught ,enochian magick and at times h.p..lovecraft. most of my stuff is based on the necronomicon book's though as many as there are today.
10.Have you started working on new music for the bands next release?Any idea if it will be a full length or EP.?
there's 1 more short surprise coming a 6 band split which i won't reveal yet but Namtaru is on there then i will finish the Perverseraphfull length Album that broke up the band under the name Namtaru . and a brand new blasting fucking album that will crush from start to finish!!!!
11. Namtar you own and operate the black metal label Plague Demon Rec. when did you first get the idea to start a label?Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the label so far?
The label has by far exceeded my expectations in just a year and a half i am on CD catalog number 32 coming up in the next few weeks . I wanted to start my idea a year before i did and i was releasing the Ancient Serpent 7 inch with afterworld records. waited a year for my release and the week it comes out Jason from afterworld verbally assaulted the awesome Kelly tee . but me and her became great friends after u wrote her an apology on behalf of all if the bands.
And where I was only supposed to get 150 of 500 I made him send all 500 for the embarrassment he put all if us band's through.And im greatly satisfied with the way the label has turned out. we have a lot of great supporters. hail to all who keep us going i also made a pact with my war brother Chuck from BCHRECORDS that we will do each releases together from now on and have been doing so for many releases now.
12.What do you feel is the easiest and hardest part about running a label?Do you have any friends or contacts who help you with the label ?
i have chuck from Bchrecords and Tom Nando from the metal lab helping greatly he is now part of the Plague Demon Records crew. and i have so many contacts from throughout the years that its crazy and also make new friend's and connections from week to week. So between me and Chuck we are bringing hell to Earth with the 2 best lanels in the underground.
13.How many hours a day would you say you work on label business?
i am currently working on 2 construction sites during the day and at night and throughout the day i squeeze it all in tjeir so at least 5 or 6 hours a night i work on the label
14.Namtar you and Chuck{ Blasphemous Creations Of Hell.} have co-released quite a few releases together when did you two first meet?
we actually met at the Sacrifice of the Nazarene child festival back in 1998 i believe and I started helping him with tips on his label and now we are 2 unstoppable forces that have become ones. chuck and me go way back and it works perfectly as we are both laid back and creative individuals.
15.What are some of your current releases that you have released? Are their any upcoming releases the readers should watch out for soon?
geist from Blood Temptation just finished his temple of gorgon CD its a masterpiece we will releases the new old Pagan album. and also a compilation tiltled Blasphemous Plagues of the underground volume 1 its all of our old and some upcoming bands that are releasing all brand new and alternate versions of songs this will be a compilation like no other with the best bands in the world on there it Will be 2 disks 20 something Brand New somgs.
16.What styles of metal do you carry in your distro?Do you do many trades or do you prefer to buy wholesale?
I like to trade i go mostly for the black metal but will take death metal if its unique and stands out on its own.. but i wil carry anything that i will listen to myself and i Will trade if you have something Worth trading for and if i like it enough I'll keep it for myself 😂
17.If their are any labels or distro's reading this what styles of metal besides black metal do you carry in your distro?Where can the labels get in touch with you about possible trades? like i said i carry mostly black metal. but i do have some other types or styles of metal that i carry and labels and distros can contact me through my email
or find NAMTAR AXARCUTH on FB/messenger
also on Instagram i am under
18.What does Black Metal mean to you?
black metal is a way of life like i said earlier , lyrically it can be written on many subjects not just Satanism as satan is just a reverse Christianity stand point,also war ,death,occult studies and practices, so many subjects. but in the end its all about life. If you have the true blood of the ancient ones in you i know you understand.
19.Did you read alot of fanzines when you first started out in the Underground Scene?If yes what were some of your favorite fanzines to read?
metal nightmare, Canadian assault, pit, terrorizer so many i still have every one i ever bought or was in in my storage unit i have so much from over the years. my wife must hate me for all that i keep. but its a Great memories for me.
20.What do you feel made a good fanzine?Are their any current fan or web-zines that you try to keep up with?
i stay in contact with bathory zine from spain who i have been reading since i was a teenager, and so many I can't honestly think of them out of my head definitely violent demise and we have been putting adds on a great paper zine called the corsaire highway the new issue comes with a 7 inch and is excellent check it out!.
21.Besides fanzines i know tape-trading was huge back in the 80's and 90's did you do any tape trading?What were some of your most prized releases that you were able to buy or trade for?
i I have traded with destroyer 666 for years before they finally came over and i met them in person also i use to trade with immortal, Theo from howitzer,hail of bullets and siege of power i met him when rotting christ and sinister crashed at my house for a few days. but i have so many tapes still from back in the day thati would have to go through and look but i still tape trade with Jesse traynor and his awesome cassette releases from sunshine ward recordings.
22.Thank you Namtar for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
i would like to thank all Namtaru supporters and supporters of all my band's over the year's. All my bandmates over the years. Chuck Mangianello and Blasphemous creations of hell records my war brother until the end. All my brothers and sisters in PLAGUE DEMON RECORDS the band's and brother's that work so hard on their music and behind the scenes. and Tom Nando my great brother from the uk and head of PR for PLAGUE DEMON RECORDS and Wyl from Asmodaen Blood coven our on hold graphic artist and our new graphic artist in the meantime who is sharing half of the load with me geist from Temple of Gorgon/Blood Temptation ,also my awesome wife Josephine Downey and all of my children , Patrick from violent demise you rule brother and last but not least all the fans and supporters of our great labels. Label Contacts https://plaguedemonrecords.storenvy.com/ https://plaguedemonrecords.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Plaguedemonrecords.net/ https://www.instagram.com/namtar.axarcuth/?hl=en https://www.plaguedemonrecordsmerch.online/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt4Jqad8hAHPHisR2aU4Q4A Band Contacts https://namtaruband.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/plagues.of.namtar/