California's solo black metal band Temple Of Gorgon return with a brand new EP.Leviathan contains four songs of well composed black metal that is fast and frenzied with some well performed songs.Barrier Of Daylight starts off with a fast guitar passage that is performed with power and aggressive riffs.The vocals are raw,grim black metal screams that fit the song perfectly.Leviathan is up next and is played with a heavier approach but it doesn't take long for the guitars and drums to speed up to a faster pace.the music is played with skill and a great writing ability.The vocals are traditional black metal screams.Triumph Of The Sinner is up next and is fast raging song.The guitars are played with a whirlwind fast paced but their are some well performed guitar patterns within the song.The vocals are grim and gruff black metal vocals.The Gates is the final song on the EP. the song is fast paced with some mid paced guitars used throughout the song.The vocals are grim and traditional black metal screams done with powerful vocals.Temple Of Gorgon has released a masterpiece of quality black metal that should please all fans of this genre and band. Temple Of Gorgon
https://templeofgorgon.bandcamp.com/album/leviathan https://www.facebook.com/templeofgorgonband/ https://www.instagram.com/templeofgorgon/ Adirondack Black Mass
https://adirondackblackmass.bigcartel.com/ https://adirondackblackmass.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AdirondackBlackMass/ https://www.instagram.com/adirondackblackmass/