Interview  with  Ayat  done  by  Patrick posted on 10-17-17

Interview  with  Ayat  done  by  Patrick 
1. Hails when did you  first  discover  metal  music  and  who  were  some of the first bands you  listened to? Who  are  some of your  current  favorite bands? 

Filthy Fuck: Oh Jesus Christ... I'm 35, divorced, miss my kid, bitter, depressed and promoting what is essentially a very elaborate sonic suicide letter and we start with this question. Fucking hell. I was 12-13, man. Iron Maiden, and stuff. I listen to a lot of things right now, but mostly children songs for my 3 year old. You know, the old school classics of the first and second wave like humpty dumpty and Old Macdonald had a farm. I don't talk to Sadogoat. But I think he's more into the newer, gayer stuff like Paw Patrol. I can ask him if you press me for an answer. 

2. Ayat  was  formed in  2004  when  did you  get the  idea  to  start this  band?And  how  did you  choose the  name Ayat  as the band name? Does it have  a  special  meaning?

FF: That's a very pertinent question. It was formed in 2004 so I would wager we got the idea a little bit before 2004 or 2004 but certainly not after. And yes Ayat does have a meaning. It is the first thing you see when you google our name. 

3. What  is  the  current  line up  of the  band? And  who  would  you say  are Ayat's biggest  influences? 

FF: It's still me and Sadogoat, like always. Who is our biggest influence? I would say,definitely women. All them women. Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, ex-wives, prostitutes, unobtainable women, easy women, cities that eat their children with the madness of women, the indiscriminate loyalty to the death of women, where to stop, man, I don't think you can extract more from a man until his walls are down for a woman. The hurt is either one that flattens the edifice of your very identity or you use it to build yourself. Either way, it is very formative and our biggest influence in our growth as human beings. I always believed Ayat's songs areessentially love songs, mostly always, but kind of sick in the head. 

4. Carry On,Carrion  is the  bands third  full-length  how  long  did  it  take  to  write  the music  for  the  new  release? 
FF: 2 years. 

5. Who  usually  handles  writing the lyrics  and  what are  some  subjects  written  about on  Carry On, Carrion? 

FF: I do. And it's the usual dross of homicide, lust, Islamic blasphemy, killing a baby with cigarette burns, a flying gigantic pig, you know, wholesome family fun. 

6. Besides  the  new  release  are the  previous two  releases  still  available?Besides  physical releases  does the band  have  any other  merchandise  available if  yes  what  is  available  and where  can the readers  buy  it? 

FF: No. Not to my knowledge. Releasing something is not really for you. It is an exhibitionist parading of exposed guts that you happened to stumble upon. Ifsomeone finds something for Ayat then that's just one more person I exposed my privates to. It's thrilling but I prefer to remain a pervert in a brown coat scaring girls with my penis in dark alleys, I don't think we want to take Ayat on the road or to the next level and scare throngs of girls with my penis at Wembley. I like my black metal to remain as inaccessible as possible and at grassroots level. People make fun of bedroom black metal but that's how fucking Quorthon did it. Your own bedroom is the space that is most you. So, no. No CDs out there, no merchandise. Nothing. To my knowledge. We don't even have a website.

7. What  does  black  metal  mean  to you? 

FF: I'm not sure anymore. It certainly saved us at some point in our lives. We're at a crossroad now. We don't know how we feel towards the genre anymore. Maybe we'll go on a quest to find ourselves, and release a blues album, or get guest rappers for our next release. 
But seriously now, Black metal had been extremely important to our society and its decline is reflected in the rise of the alt-right. Extreme metal, gaming, even the dungeons and dragons shtick, were all refuge for marginalized white men when I was young. To be a Black Metal fan was enough to be ostracized. It was a struggle explaining to people we were decent. But now it seems grandstanding and insulting people through the medium of art is becoming slowly irrelevant when you can just scream nigger at people in the bus. Black Metal is the product of the conservative Reagan age, the insanity of the Trump age left us behind and I am not sure how relevant we still are. The only thing we can pray for to be relevant again is that the civilized world falls into fascism and so Black metal and Punk could go back to being relevantly dangerous. But for now, that's the West's problem. The good thing about the East, in this instance, is that we are like 30-40 years behind as a society. So an anti-Islamic record  like ours would still make ripples. What I'm trying to say is that the scene is in trouble and we need to figure out how to be relevant, but personally as Ayat we're extracting the last bits of honey from that tired old tit. So basically, fuck you and good luck.

8. Other  then  Ayat  do you  currently  have  any  other  bands or solo projects  you work  with?If  yes  please  tell  the  readers  a  little  about  them? 

FF: No. 

9. When  not  working  on new  music or  band  business  what  do you  like to  do  in your  free  time?
FF: I like to think on how I will extract cold revenge on the people who wronged me. I fantasize about how much I want them to suffer. And I struggle with that every day. We are not all born privileged and life has a way of setting a man and a woman back. And hatred can consume you. And it's always a struggle to keep your baser instincts in check. When I am not working, I am just stopping myself from lashing out like a caveman and just kick everyone at the mall in the face. I don't think I require help and I'd like to think this the struggle of modern man in a society that had fallen into strange spiritual disrepair. I moved to the West to escape the heat of the Middle East, you know. And things have not been going well in the capitalist paradise of North America. That's all I'll say. 

10. Thank you  for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this  interview  out  do you  have  any  final  words for the  readers? 

FF: Thank you for interviewing me. I haven't done that in years and apologize if I sounded too forceful. You're doing your job I guess, but to be fair your questions had been awfully formulaic, you could've replaced our band name and album name and you could've given that to any band. It felt lazy. And I felt that needed to be punished. 
As for the readers, I'm sure most of them hate me right now or think I'm trying too hard. The Ayat fans know us well and probably enjoyed the exchange very much. In either cases, I don't really care. We have a new album. Hello there! It's Ayat! Remember us? Buy it, it's just superb, really, forgot what its' called, 9 years in the making, swan song and stuff, chickichicki bumbum, you know what to do. And remember, reader! Downloading makes your penis smaller. Mine is an inch and a half. Don't be like me. Buy our album. Or download the lyrics too. And the artwork. We put a lot of work in it on all fronts so get the full experience.
Cheers! And stay happy!

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