Interview with Kadub Kult done on 11-26-21


1.Hello Oleh and Irene please introduce yourselves to the readers?

Hails! We are Oleh & Irene Horobey from Kadub Kult - pagan black project from Chortkiv, Ukraine.

2.When did you first discover metal music and who were some of the first artists and bands that you listened to?

O: I discovered metal music early in my childhood. My uncle and his friends were metalheads. He was that type of a "badass" uncle, haha. So, it was inevitable to become a metalhead myself. He had a great impact on me and my music tastes. He was always trading tapes with his friends. That's why I always had something new to listen to. Probably, my favorite bands from childhood were Lake of Tears and Metallica. "Headstones" and "..And Justice" are true masterpieces among metal albums.

3.Was it long before you discovered the underground black and death metal scene?Who were the first underground bands you listened to?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

O: I started looking at the underground bands sometime during my college years. It was the winter of 2007, I presume, when I met Alex and Yura and became friends with those dudes. Guys were into some really dark and underground shit. They opened up another metal dimension for me. One of the first and all-time favorite underground bands that I discovered is Satanic Warmaster. Most of the projects that Werwolf started or was involved in are simply amazing. As for the death metal side, I would name Necrophagia. Nowadays, I'm really into Black Cilice. Mrtva Vod and Feuille Morte are the newest acts that caught my attention. The EP and the full-length album, that were released by these bands this year, are terrifically good.

4.The two of you started Kadub Kult in 2020 what gave you two the idea to form this band? How did you choose Kadub Kult as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?

We wanted to start some project after we moved to US. Mainly with the purpose to promote and support Ukrainian language and culture. Well, at the beginning of the pandemic we got plenty of time to start it. In our lyrics, we created a new fantasy world - Carpathia. There is an abandoned ancient city in that world with some mad cultists still dwelling there. We named it Kadub. It is also the name of the place where Oleh lived in Ukraine. the word itself means barrel or hollow stem of a tree.

5.I believe the band is just the two of you would you like to add more members to make a full line-up or do you prefer working as two piece?

We have a drummer, Steven Smithberger, that will be involved in future releases. Oleh wanted to do drums for The Farthest star by himself because we wanted to make those sound as primitive as possible. But that’s it. No more members as no live performances are planned.

6.Oleh you handle writing the music for the band how long did it take you to write the music for the new release The Farthest Star?How long does it usually take to complete one song?

O: It was very fast. Took me like 3 months to write the whole thing. As for one song - it may take 1 day or 1 week to write and record it. Depends on the inspiration.

7.What are the current instruments that you play?When first starting out did you take lessons or are you self-taught?If you had the chance are their any instruments that you would like to learn to play one day?

O: My main instrument is guitar. I started playing about 15 years ago. I'm self-taught. I'm also into keys and drums. Those are two instruments that I'm really interested to develop my skills in. Especially drums.

8.Who would you say are your biggest musicial influences?

O: Oh, there are so many. But among the biggest, I would name Satanic Warmaster, Nokturnal Mortum, Taake, Arckanum and Darkthrone.

9. Irene you take care of the vocals for the band when did you first start screaming and growling?Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy? 10.Who would you say are your favorite vocalists and influences?Do you play any other instruments?

..I: I was studying vocals in musical school. But Kadub Kult is the first project where I started to practice actual screaming. We share vocals with Oleh on The Farthest Star. Though, I did vocals for the entire songs on our EP Nav. I do not do anything special to keep my voice healthy. Well, maybe a can of beer before recording?

10.Who would you say are your favorite vocalists and influences?Do you play any other instruments?

 I would say that I was very impressed by Nocturno Culto vocals. Especially in Quintessence. He did an insane job on that track. As for instruments, I can play piano and accordion. Planning to learn bass.

11.Irene since you take care of the vocals for the band i assume you write the lyrics for the music?What are some topics written about on The Farthest Star?

I: Nope. All lyrics are written by Oleh.

O: As I mentioned earlier, we wanted to create our own world in Kadub Kult songs. It gives you some kind of freedom to maneuver, emancipation. Carpathia is based on Ukrainian folklore, myths, and legends, and Slavic paganism. Well, the darkest parts of those. I find it interesting to show the concept of good and evil and the darkness of the human soul based on old beliefs.

12.What does Black Metal mean to the two of you?

It's not just about music. It's the way of life. And of course, it is not for everyone. Not for everyone to understand it, to embrace it. It is an ability to find and enjoy the darkest and ugliest parts of our nature. "For a black heart will only find beauty in darkness..."

13.Besides working in Kadub Kult do you currently work with any other bands or solo projects?If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

O: There is a bunch of projects I'm working on right now. My solo DSBM project Taithur and blackened thrash project Molfar. There is also another black metal act Kuupyr that I'm currently working on. I am also planning to release some dungeon synth EP sometime next year. So, LITERALLY, a lot of music, haha.

14.Thank you Oleh and Irene for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thank you for reaching out and showing interest in our project! For everyone who supports us - hails and eternal gratitude!                                                                                                                                     Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Label  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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