Sangre Impura--Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence cd{Born For Burning Prod.} Posted on 6-7-24


Coming out of the bestial black and death metal scene in Texas is Sangre Impura.Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence is the debut full length featuring a intro and seven tracks of vicious and relentless blackend death.The guitars are delievered with intense and fast paced guitar patterns that are done with  relentless speed.The drums  are done with vicious blast beats and some heavier mid paced drum passages.The  vocals are grim black metal screams and deep growls that fit Sangre Impura  style perfectly.If you are a fan of brutal,uncomprimising war blackend death metal then be sure to pick up a copy of Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence  today.                                                                                   Sangre Impura                                                                                                                                                                            Born For Burning  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Perversa--Under The Sign Of Blasphemy cd{Satanath Rec./Pluton's Rising Prod.} Posted on 6-7-24


Perversa is a new three man  band coming out of the Italian black metal scene.And this is a review of their debut full length that was released through Satanath Rec.and Pluton's Rising Prod.The debut features eight tracks of  traditional satanic black metal.The guitars are played with aggressive fast paced guitar passages.The guitarist does slow to a more calm mid pace in a few of the tracks but seems to prefer the more violent fast paced guitars.The  drums are done with some crazed and fast drum patterns that are done with power.The drummer does perform some well played and executed passages.The vocals are grim,traditional black metal screams that are raw and powerful.Their are also some clean vocals used in a few of the tracks.Perversa  plays a traditional style of mid 90's black metal and if you are a fan of this style then do yourself a favor and pick a copy up today.                                                     Perversa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Satanath Records                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pluton's Rising  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Interview with Terrorist posted on 6-4-24


1.Hails Freddy please introduce yourself to the readers?

I am the guy being interviewed, I am the star of today's show. Nobody knows me, but I am.

2.When did you first discover Metal music and who were the first bands and artists that caught your attention?Who are some of the current bands that has caught your attention?

I discovered metal as a kid through my uncle and my older brother. Bands like metallica, iron maiden, judas priest and stuff like that. Although listening to the rawness of the song tequila by the Champs is what really got me into music. Some of the newer bands that I really enjoy would probably be Reveal!

3.Freddy you and Daniel D.started Terrorist in 2005 what gave you the idea to start this band?Are you all satisified with how things have gone with the band over the years?

Well I lied to D.Desecrator about having a band and we started playing music. After our first release D.Desecrator left the band and returned recently so we wrote Dawn of Lucifer's Light. I myself am a bit dissatisfied with some of the productions of some releases but they are a product of their time and what limited funds we had at those times.

4.What is the current line up of the band?Who would you say are Terrorist's biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

We have the same line up as the last release with an added member Jorge as rhythm guitar. Our influences have changed throughout the years. At first it was bathory, sodom and some south American bands, well a bunch of shit. Now I guess we have more of that nifelheim sound.

5.How would you best describe the bands sound and style to someone who has never heard the band's music?

We sound black metal, death metal, thrash metal, speed metal. If you like any of those genres you'll enjoy us. If you're looking for an over the top clean production or pizza thrash bullshit, then we are not for you.

6.Dawn Of Lucifer's Light is the bands fourth full length that was released through Born For Burning when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

Well he had worked with Isaac prior to this release. This wasn't released as a "ok we are friends I will release you" type deal. Isaac heard the record and he heard it and ended up deciding this new record was fitting for his label born for burning. Also we got released under ablaze records and necruz records. A vinyl version or record will be self released soon.

7.Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?How long would you say it usually takes to complete one song?

It all depends. We all bring something to the table, we hurt each other's feelings and tell each other we suck until we all agree on something. Song writing time completion depends. It should just come naturally and not be forced.

8.Where do you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some topics written about on the new release?

All topics are inspired by the occult,l and horror.

9.Besides the Dawn Of Lucifer's Light release are the bands previous releases still availible for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible to buy?

The only release at this time is blessed by the beast and Left in desolation first print is. Born for burning re released Left in desolation on digipack. All other releases are available and also we have shirts.

10.Has Terrorist had the opportunity to play very many live shows over the years?What are some of the bands most memorable shows?Who are some bands you all have shared the stage with?

During the pandemic no shows were really played. When we were younger we were constantly playing and doing tours. We have shared the stage with many underground bands too many to mention. Rigor mortis, absu, deicide, at war, cenotaph etc.

11.Are their any tours or shows planned in support of Dawn Of Lucifer's Light?

We have a few lined up, some in California, Arizona, east Texas and Mexico city.

12. Terrorist comes out the Texas metal scene what is your opinion of the scene in Texas over the years?

Well I can't tell you about the rest of Texas but at least in El Paso, TX we have many great bands that deliver the fucking evilness and type of metal our fucking town brings. Obeisance, Satanik Goat Ritual, infestation of evil, Nyogthaeblisz, hellvetron, nexul, scum, subservient perversity etc.

13.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Texas?Are their any new bands you could recomend to the readers?

Haven't heard any new ones recently.

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

Watch horror movies, listen to music and spend time with family. Oh and Drink beer and whiskey.

15.Besides Terrorist do any of the members current work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Yes they do. D.Desecrator plays in two other bands at this time. Don't know much about them but he's a great songwriter so they should kick ass. They are called Astrognosis and Scoured Crypt. The other guitarist jorge plays in a thrash band called Morbid Hand. M.Mictlan plays in a progressive death metal band in Juarez called Tezaktum.

16.Thank you Freddy for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Check out our new record on we will have new material coming soon and physical media available online as well soon.                                                                                    Terrorist                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Born For Burning Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Helvetestromb--Promo EP.2024 cd/digital{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} Posted on 6-2-24


Promo EP.2024  is the newest EP from Sweden's black,thrash maniacs Helvetestromb.Featuring three tracks from the bands upcoming full length that will be released later this year through Masters Of Kaos Prod.Pools Ov Prophecy  is the first song and is a fast paced track with extremly fast guitars that are played with intensity.The drumming is done with some furious drums that are powerful in their delievery.The vocals are gruff growls and some screams are also used throughout the song.Death Storming is up next and is another fast paced track that is played with violent fast guitars.The drumming is fast drums that are delievered with extreme aggressive beats.The vocals are a mix of gruff growls and some traditional black metal screams.I Return To The Satanic Presence is the final track and is another aggressive and violent song.The guitars are a whirlwind of crazed fast guitar passages that are extreme to the bone.The vocals are a mix of clean chanting vocals and some grim black metal screams that are raw in the delievery.This  is a great EP i for one am looking forward to hearing the full length when it is released.If you are a fan of furious primitive traditional black metal with some thrash influence defintly check out Helvetestromb today.                                                                                    Helvetestromb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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