Sangre Impura--Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence cd{Born For Burning Prod.} Posted on 6-7-24


Coming out of the bestial black and death metal scene in Texas is Sangre Impura.Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence is the debut full length featuring a intro and seven tracks of vicious and relentless blackend death.The guitars are delievered with intense and fast paced guitar patterns that are done with  relentless speed.The drums  are done with vicious blast beats and some heavier mid paced drum passages.The  vocals are grim black metal screams and deep growls that fit Sangre Impura  style perfectly.If you are a fan of brutal,uncomprimising war blackend death metal then be sure to pick up a copy of Ravaged Fortitude Of Foul Existence  today.                                                                                   Sangre Impura                                                                                                                                                                            Born For Burning  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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