GOATKRIEG interview done by Jay Posted on 3-29-24



Hi, thanks for the interview!

1- Tell us about the roots of Goatkrieg when where and why did you decide to form the band? 

Goatkrieg was not planned in any way, I just wanted to start a bestial black metal band for a long time. I wrote many demos and some albums but never released any of that stuff. All of them also sounded different and had different names. The idea of Goatkrieg was like a spark that set me on fire and the process of creating the band was short but successful. It happened in 2018 after I saw Archgoat live for the first time - after that concert I knew I wanted to do something in that style.

2- You recently rereleased your stunning debut EP, When Satan’s Legion Marches, it is an absolute cracker of an EP,. Run us through it and tell our readers where they can get copies …I am curious to know what the follow up will be like ..Tell us about the new material you have….

Digital copies of Satan’s Legion Marches are available through Masters of Kaos records and tapes are available at Bál Records, both can be found on Bandcamp. The whole release was written and recorded in 3 weeks. I just had the urge to write a Black/death demo and that was the outcome. I did not think about it too much, I just went with the flow. I recorded all of the instruments and after finishing, I was searching for a singer. My first thought was Bál from Bál Records. Amazing guy and amazing vocalist. I shared my music and my vision with him and he turned it into the best thing I could imagine. Not only is he good, he’s also fast as fuck. He needed like 1 week for everything and it turned out beyond awesome. The whole process of creating, writing and recording was like 2-3 weeks for this debut.

3- What were your musical influences growing up?

My first musical memories that pop up are Rammstein, Iron maiden, Michael Jackson - my father listened to every kind of music as long as he liked it and I listened to all of them too. But since I can remember I always enjoyed the hard and rough stuff. Later I started to listen to stuff like System of a Down and Linkin Park. My first contact with “heavy” music were bands like Suicide Silence and the whole Hardcore scene as well as the New York Hardcore scene kind of bands. I was in my teenage years and was always looking for the next more aggressiv and more vicious kind of genre. The first real contact with Black Metal was in my 20s and I immediately fell in love with it, especially with the Black Metal that has its roots in Blasphemy, Sarcofago, Beherit, Archgoat, Conqueror etc. That is my kind of jam - I listen to it everyday since the day I discovered it.

4- When did you start playing music? And what was your first instrument?

I started with 16 and bought my first bass guitar myself. When I turned 18, I started to play the guitar and turning 20, I started with drums. Everything is self taught. I also got some skills in orchestral programming etc. but not really much.

5- Do you have any other side projects apart from Goatkrieg?

My main band is from another genre and quite popular around the globe. I also have a session band and 2 other projects where I’m also the songwriter and Bál is also the singer.

6- Tell us about the current Black Metal scenes in Germany and Hungary. Recommend some new and upcoming bands…

The scene in Germany is alive and there are always people and labels who try to organise concerts and keeping it alive. I can recommend the band Ortus, really good atmospheric Black Metal.

7- What are your top 5 albums of all time?

Misfits - Famous Monsters

Sargeist - Let the devil in

Ghost - Prequelle

Black Witchery - Desecreation of the Holy Kingdom

Terror - The Damned, the Shamed

I can’t tell for sure if these are truly my top 5 but these are the first 5 that came to my mind when thinking about it.

8- If you could play with any musician, live or dead, who would it be?

At the moment Caller of the Storms from Blasphemy.

9- There is an ever-growing post-pandemic wave of young, talented artists, how do you see the scene developing over the next few years?

Overall it seems like that metal is more appealing to the youngsters at the moment. But when it comes to new bands I have to say that it looks very bad in my area, haha. There are so many good newcomer bands overall and I would love to see a new wave of good metal/rock (all genres) bands to appear and bring some fresh energy overall.

10- What do you think are the main differences between the ‘old school’ and the so called ‘new school’ of extreme music?

I think back then there was more individuality, they had more chances to create something new.

Todays extreme scene consists of more stuff that was already existing but executed in a better or worse way.

Its rare to find something new and its something feels like many bands miss the spirit of extreme music.

11 - Where would you like to take Goatkrieg? Do you have future plans to play live?

 I don’t have any big plans for the future. I will release new stuff when it’s ready and if there’s a gig offer I’m interested in, I will put some session guys together and will play there. The biggest problem for a live show would be to find singer as good as Bál because we’re living in two different countries and it’s neither easy nor cheap to just meet up for a rehearsal or playing live shows together.

12- Do you have any wise words to offer for any young artists that would like to follow in your footsteps?

Do whatever you want in your music and if you’re happy with it but nobody else likes it - FUCK THEM. It’s about you, not them. Just do it.

13- Would you like to add anything for our readers?

A massive thanks to Goatkrieg

Danke Schön!

Thanks for your time man and we’re eagerly anticipating your new material.

Hails!                                                                                                                                                             GoatKrieg                                                                                                                                                     https://www.facebook.com/people/Goatkrieg/61555964307690/                                                                https://www.instagram.com/goatkrieg/?igsh=NXF4aXg5cG93N2hj                                                          Masters Of Kaos                                                                                                                                            https://mastersofkaos.bandcamp.com/album/goatkrieg-germany-hungary-satans-legion-marches-ep       https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083264766354                                                                   

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