Primordial Serpent interview done by Jay Posted on 3-30-24

 Hi this is Jay reporting from Bogota, Colombia

Today I’m lucky enough to be talking with Dominus Wolnir, the mastermind behind the mighty Primordial Serpent from Canada…

Hi man, thanks for taking the time to talk to our readers…

1- Tell us about Primordial Serpent. when/where/why did you decide to start the band?

For sure. I started the band in 2020 during the covid pandemic in basement in Winnipeg and initially it was something to get me through the pandemic. However it later evolved from a hobby to a side passion of mine

2- You are one of the most prolific and most talented Black Metal musicians of the ‘current era’…

Run us through your discography and tell our readers where they can get their hands on physical copies…

That’s a lot to run through lol. Ascension of the Dark Age, Ancient Myths and Legends, Winter Warrior, Under the Sign of the Bloodmoon, Tales from the Northern Vastlands, Kingdom of Darkness and Despair, Adversary of God, Spawn of Eternal Hellfire, and Enlightenment Through Impurity and soon to be Triumphant Son of Darkness. You can find the majority of the physical releases through the label Master of Kaos and my bandcamp site or being my label page.

3- I’ve been fortunate enough to have released many of your albums, Eps and singles, right from the very first album, ‘Ascension Of The Dark Age’… It’s been a real pleasure to see your song writing and music evolve over the years… You’re releasing your tenth full length album later this year, the brilliant ‘Triumphant Son Of Darkness’, an album which shows a tendency more towards the symphonic side… run us through the tracks and tell us about the new single.. What was the process in writing this new masterpiece?

The composition process was a bit more complex in comparison to the last one mainly because I wanted to add a bit variation to the songs instead of just relying completely on the traditional black metal aesthetics. However, I would say, the biggest difference was trying to write lyrics that were more impactful in comparison to previous releases.

4- Tell us about your composition process. how do you turn those play around riffs into banging, anthem-like Black Metal tunes?

Just with trial and error, mainly. Generally, I’ll record the riff and if I like it or I see potential for it to grow into a full song, then I use it. Then from there I just use the riff as a foundation, build around it with other riffs, then add whatever comes naturally to me.

5- What equipment do you use for recording?

The recording program I use is Ableton 9 which is an older version of the program. But I mainly I use my Zoom g1u effects pedal and just DI into the program but that’s if I’m doing my more raw sounding stuff. If I’m doing clean production, I use the bulldog amp simulator for my guitar. My guitar is a Cort Custom HT, my bass is a SGR Shecter series bass, my keyboard is a  cheap Casio CTK 4000 keyboard but I mainly use it as a MIDI controller. As for drums, I use a plug in called Kvlt drums II and my mic is a Shure SM 7B

6- What is the inspiration behind the lyrics in your tracks?

 Mainly satanism and my ever continuing journey down the left hand path. Sometimes dark fantasy comes into play as well

7- What does the future hold for Primordial Serpent? Do you have more of these classic albums up your sleeve?

 Right now I’m not so sure. I’m currently working on another project called None Shall Remain so there may not be anything this year. I have contacted another artist to do a possible split but that’s no finalized yet

8- Would you like to take Primordial Serpent to the live stage in the future and play some gigs, a tour maybe? 

That I don’t know. I’ve always been on the fence about that. Sometimes I say yes and other times I say no.plaing live has never been that crucial for me. I just simply enjoy making music.

9- What is the modern Black Metal scene like in Canada?? Can you recommend some new bands for our readers to check out?

 I always recommend Nocturnal Departure. Great band. We also have Panzerfaust, Panzerwar, Apparitional Glare, Cell, Akitsa, Gris, Nachtlich just to name a few

10- What bands did you listen to growing up and how did they influence the current state of your music? What was the last album you listened to? 

TONS lol. Some of my favorite bands have been Discharge, Misfits, Suicidal Tendencies, Blind Guardian, early years of Metallica, Iced earth, Sargeist, Immortal, early Dimmu Borgir, Bolt Thrower, Cannibal Corpse, I can go on haha. But the last album I listened to was Stigmata Mali by Funeral Winds

11- If you could play with any musician, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

 Probably Rocky George because he was one of my favorite guitarists growing up. The solos from the song How Will I Laugh Tomorrow are still mind blowing to me.

12- Do you have any side projects apart fromPprimordial Serpent? Tell us about them…

Yes I do. I have a project called Kalameet which is my dungeon synth project that’s heavily inspired by the video game franchise Dark Souls. I also have another one called None Shall Remain which is soon going to be added to Bandcamp.

13- What advice would you give to any young and up and coming musicians thinking of following in your footsteps along the Left Hand Path? Would you like to add anything for our readers?

 Just keep making material and never stop making it even if you have haters that don’t like it and troll you. Do the art for yourself and not for the people. Also be prepared to take the necessary steps to promote your work whether it be through labels, PRs, or social media. Never always expect people to promote your work for free either.

A massive thanks to Dominus Wolnir….

Hail The Serpent!!!!!                                                                                                                                     Primordial Serpent contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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